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Cabinet Gross Survey Maritime and Consulting office is a company based in Lorient in Morbihan in Brittany.

Cabinet Gross Survey Maritime and Consulting office is a member of UPEM.

Founded in 1975, the Professional Union of Maritime Experts is, in France, the most important association of maritime experts and consultants intervening in all areas of maritime activities on behalf of all maritime actors and courts.

Le Cabinet Gross Expertise Conseil Maritime est membre de L'IPL.   L’Interprofession du Port de Lorient c’est plus 60 entreprises adhérentes dans les secteurs de la construction et de la réparation navale. C’est aussi 1000 hommes et femmes du territoire qui travaillent ensemble au service des armements.


Gross Hubert

Maritime Surveyor Captain 1st Class of Sea Navigation

Knight of the Order of Maritime Merit

I am a graduate of the Merchant Navy and of the IEP of Aix-en-Provence. I also hold a certificate of judicial expertise and numerous maritime certifications.

Captain first class of the maritime navigation, I sailed and occupied all the functions as well on the bridge as in the engine before being Director of armament and operations of the company Océane.

My numerous functions and missions on boats as varied as complex, my functions on land, my university course, allowed me to acquire a multidisciplinary expertise as well of the merchant ships (hull, machine), goods (faculties), fishing vessels as of the great pleasure and pleasure.

My past experiences have also allowed me to acquire a great expertise in social relations with the IRP and in crisis management.

Finally, after having held the positions of QSSE Manager and CSO of a shipping company, I acquired the ISM and ISPS auditor certifications.


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